RAW Australia, Brisbane '18 x kimbralou


@inter_svention (Sven) 
@albert.bell (Albert) 
@Maddydaddy (Maddy)
@jacobwillow (Jacob)
@bungprincess (Tessa)
@lavickybeauty (Vicky) 

kimbralou was clearly on the RAW Australia’s radar as the brand was invited to Showcase 2 months after the finale show at RAW Goldcoast. 
Two new Models were scouted and cast for this showcase Jesse Jooston and Vicky
Official kimbralou Models Sven, Albert, Jacob, Tessa and Maddy were all cast. 
This third showcase was on  April 6 2018 at the MET in Brisbane. I decided to cast Sven as Kitty Kardashian. The objective was to showcase the ownership of ones authentic self and Kitty did not disappoint when a platform heel snapped on the Runway. Kitty came out owning it in stocking feet. It served to put kimbralou on the domestic fashion map of Brisbane; a turning point.