Brisbane Fashion Month '18 x kimbralou


kimbralou went straight into the heart of fast fashion territory, the Queen St Mall, Brisbane, casting current Official kimbralou Models Sven, Albert and Tessa with Squad Models Maddy, Jacob and Jesse.  

Collectively, in broad daylight, the kimbralou brand brought the Queen St Mall to a stand still and the crowd energy was there loud and clear during the showcase. The kimbralou entity had a loud voice that declared that all people can own it. 
The Models were wholeheartedly embraced by Director Laura Churchill and enabled to replace Cast Models to walk kimbralou. 
Melody from Stardust Disco was sponsored again by kimbralou and accessorised the set Runway Looks. 
Kimbralou was assured of Professional Images with Photographers Richard Smith and Peter McGhie collaborating with the brand at this event.