RAW Australia, Brisbane '17 x kimbralou


@inter_svention (Sven) 
@albert.bell (Albert) 
@kalaniv_ (Kalani)
@Maddydaddy (Maddy)
@Georgiainch (Georgia)
@chai.rrr (Ricky)
@madelinerose.hmua (Madeline)
@_orlafogarty_  (Orla)
@harleyandhanden69 (Harley)

kimbralou's first Runway showcase event occurred simply via receiving an email from RAW Australia calling me a Fashion Designer and offering a Runway Position. Taking all opportunities in life I went along with being seen as a ‘Fashion Designer’ from  this obvious scouting by RAW. To pull this showcase off kimbralou needed to cast a ‘Model Squad’ 
The Models: all scouted by me via chance meetings, whilst selling kimbralou at POPUP market events. All individuals scouted beyond the first generation of kimbralou, seen here, have had to meet the same criteria set from my instinctive clear knowing that they can project ownership of oneself thereby not letting the loud designs own them. 
Sven is seen in the parachute jacket that is flown by him every runway he walks and gains a new patch each time. The parachute jacket is a sacred artefact of kimbralou as it was brought to me as a gift from both Sven and Albert at the first kimbralou fitting. 

A RAW Showcase facilitates a team comprising of a Fashion Designer, MUA and Hairstylist, to produce a creative outcome. 
The individuals seen on the Runway together are Hairstylist @_orlafogarty_  (Orla) and MUA @madelinerose.hmua (Madeline)
I can be seen at the end in the specific battle jacket and customised dress ‘Comfortably numb’ edged up in my Disability boots and Mothers vintage YSL sunnies. 
Of most significance to this Runway is that Harley @harleyandhanden69 walked me out. 
Shortly after my 50th birthday I had a ‘vision’ that if I met up with this collage artist who taught simple embroidery it would lead to a major life shift. Trusting my instinct I enrolled in her embroidery workshop and from there it did indeed inspire the outing of whatever creative talent that lurked inside of me for 50 years. Harley came to me at the Showcase and to honour her I styled her in a battle jacket and insisted she walk me out with her magic. And it was magic. Harley knows to this day how important this meeting is to the kimbralou story.