Flossy '19 x kimbralou
This night kimbralou completed two Runways in the one night. Worn Out Runway, then dashing across town for Flossy Runway. Madness.
I agreed to this to challenge myself. I saw doing two seperate Runway events was the first challenge. Throwing down the gauntlet on travelling to another event across the city to facilitate 30 comprehensive looks on the Flossy Runway, the biggest challenge. I felt if I could pull this challenge off then how much harder could any event be to facilitate in the future.
What I didn’t plan on as the set challenge, was having Models not present back of house when I arrived to coming off the runway sweaty, covered in glossy glitter, with 15 mins till kimbralou showtime and the assistants assured, pre show, not a reality.
However, it was my big reality and I was able to draw from my strength of past challenges and push through to deliver my best.
For me a Runway cycle is a mixed bag of emotions where there are highs and lows.
The challenge for me is to be mindful and accepting by continual reflection and simple learning through kindness to oneself.
From the beginning of customising the set looks to packing away and taking a return ticket, viewing footage of a moment in life passed, one does need to be mindful that life indeed can be gone anytime.
The first motivation to showcase at Flossy was to align the brand with a Runway who had the same ethos as kimbralou in regard to placing mindful importance on actively showcasing diversity and inclusion in fashion.
The second motivation was that the Flossy event gave event profits to a charity supporting domestic violence. Raised as a child within domestic violence of course this social service ticked a box. I,also,used the opportunity to walk Jessemay in the ‘thankyou’ look that transcribes my awareness that this childhood ordeal gave me many gifts of strength.
To inspire emotion, that could create greater public awareness of domestic violence effects on children, in particular, often the silent victims, I walked my granddaughter in a customised look with a story to align with ‘thankyou’. Millies’ pink dress had a front patch with a collaged split image that represented my perceived violence from my parents and the shattered state I had to overcome many times as a child. The back asked the question, that to me has no definite answer, “is pain temporary?” Personally, my physical pain has been on going since 2 where I attribute stress to be the trigger to developing juvenile rheumatoid arthritis to where today I’m profoundly disabled. Without my customised boots being prescribed by the best in his field, Greg Dower, I can’t walk. Emotionally, although the wound is scarred, takes great mindfulness to keep it from breaking down.